Walter Last
Almost as important as specific cancer-fighting therapies is thecreation of healthy living conditions, and in particular, avoidingor minimizing the many negative and harmful influences on ourhealth caused by modern living.
The main negative influences at present are chemical pollution,electromagnetic pollution and radiation. Not only our food andwater are heavily polluted with chemicals but city air commonlyis equally unhealthy. It is especially bad in industrialized areas,close to heavy traffic, and in modern houses with many syntheticsand plastics.
If you live in a modern house, try to sanitize it by minimizing theuse of synthetic items that release chemicals, such as formaldehydefrom glue in carpets, chipboard or plywood. Avoid solvents, smellinghousehold cleaners and disinfectants, tobacco smoke, mothballs andinsect sprays. If the outside air is reasonably clean, good ventilationhelps to minimize the problem.
If you live in an area with much outside air pollution, you may try tolive away from home during the critical period, possibly with friendsor relatives, and best in green surroundings. A health farm wouldbe excellent but unfortunately few are geared for clients on lowbudgets.
Avoid or minimize wearing a bra, synthetic clothing and even heavilychemicalized wool or cotton material (e.g. permanent press). Womenwho used to wear a bra 24 hours a day had a 3 out of 4 chance ofdeveloping breast cancer, compared to a 1 in 168 chance for womenwho never or rarely wore bras.
The only good mattresses are futons that are filled with natural fibers.Most recommended is a latex mattress. A cheap alternative is straw orhay from a pesticide-free source. An innerspring mattress should onlybe used if it does not deflect the needle of a compass moved acrossit close to the surface. Commonly, only older mattresses are suitable.Do not use steel-framed beds, steel-spring frames and move thebed if there are metal beams or live wires in the wall behind the bed.Steel tends to become inappropriately magnetized and carries stronginduction currents.
Furthermore, sleep in total darkness, or alternatively cover your eyesduring sleep. Cancer protective melatonin is released in normal amountsonly when we sleep in darkness. Profoundly blind women have up to 70%less breast cancer than women with normal sight. Profoundly blind menhave less cancer of the colon, lungs, prostate, skin and stomach.However, simple vision impairment does not reduce cancer rates, only ifthere is no sensitivity to light at all.
Sunshine can be beneficial or harmful depending on the type, time andamount of exposure. There is a strong negative correlation betweenavailable sunlight and breast cancer death rates; living in a sunny areais associated with lower cancer rates. Even skin cancer is inhibited byregular low-level sun exposure; only sunburn is a strong skin cancerpromoter. It has been suggested that approximately 30,000 U.S. cancerdeaths yearly would be averted by the widespread public adoptionof regular, moderate sunning.
However, too much sunlight inhibits the immune response and is also astrong inflammation promoter. Any increased inflammatory tendency leads to stimulation of tumor growth. Therefore, with cancer, any sunexposure must be so mild that afterwards there is no reddening ofthe skin. Except in winter, avoid sunbathing within 2 or 3 hours of midday.No glasses or sunscreen lotion should be used during this time.A recent report states that 90% of sunscreen lotions contain chemicalsthat kill skin cells. I prefer a solution of the nutrient PABA when sunprotection is required.
Aim to be outside as much as possible, such as in a garden or on averanda. If it is sunny remain in half-shade, or when in the full sun,cover up sufficiently. The life-force associated with sunlight penetratesour clothing and also charges the air that we breathe. As an added bonus,sunlight has a strong anti-depressant effect. A good way of catching thelife-force associated with direct sunlight is by exposing drinking water orcooked or refrigerated food for a while to the sun before eating it.
Minimize electro-pollutants
Strong electromagnetic fields of about 50 to 60 cycles per second(hertz, or Hz) are harmful to us. These fields exist around powerlines, power tools, electric stoves, heaters, boilers, freezers andtelevision sets when in use, extending several feet or yardsaround the appliance. Stay away from them if possible.
Try to minimize electromagnetic pollution, especially while sleepingwhen the pineal gland is most susceptible. Switch off al power pointsand unplug all electric leads with 2-prong plugs in the bedroom beforegoing to sleep, watch that there are no live electric wires inside thewall near the head, and try to sleep with the head in a northerly direction,or otherwise towards the east.
Some dowsers claim to have discovered harmful earth rays from faultlines and underground streams under the beds of most cancer victims.Try to find someone who is able to check the location of your bed forharmful underground radiation, even if you sleep on an upper floor.
For more information on electromagnetic pollution and how you canprotect yourself see the article Electromagnetic Pollution.
Dental problems
Individuals with cancer frequently have dead teeth with filled rootcanals, or inflammation inside the jawbone even after removal of teeth.These problems may not cause pain and so are difficult to detect. It isbest to have dead teeth removed as soon as possible, and the remainingcavity scraped out to remove any softened parts of the jawbone.Just leave some gaps if you cannot immediately pay for replacements.
Root canal filled teeth appear to be a major contributing factor in many healthproblems, not only cancer, but also heart disease and auto-immune diseases.This is due to microbes multiplying in the multitude of tiny canals or tubuli in thedentine and gradually leaching out into the lymph system.The only safe solution is removal of such dead teeth, although problemsmight still persist from the infection having spread to the jawbone.The microbes in dead teeth and infected jawbones cannot normallybe eliminated with pharmaceutical or natural antibiotics, I recommendusing a magnetic pulser.
However, removal of dead teeth as well as amalgam cause a greatstrain on the body, and should only be done when feeling reasonablywell and strong, and with suitable precautions. Before and after removingdead teeth use a strong magnetic pulser, an electronic blood purifier andother anti-microbial therapies. Do this also if you cannot immediatelyremove all dead teeth; continue with this until after they have been removed.
Preferably have amalgam fillings replaced with plastic composite.The dentist should use a rubber dam and suction when removingold fillings. If you cannot pay for proper replacements, just sealaffected teeth with cheap temporary filler and do not chew anyhard items. Also nickel as in stainless steel can suppress theimmune system. Try to find a dentist who is familiar with safeamalgam removal procedures as recommended by holisticdentists associations.
In addition to a vitamin C supplement program before and afteramalgam removal, the amino acid L-cysteine as well as homeopathicmercury 1M and higher potencies are helpful in removing mercuryfrom tissues. Professionally injections of the mercury chelator DMPSmay be used. However, these may occasionally lead to complicationsand the oral DMSA not only is much cheaper but apparently also safer.According to promotional literature even more effective, cheaper andsafer to use is P.C.A., a so-called peptide-based clathration (chelation)formula produced by Goldleaf.
The pink colour of dentures may be due to heavy metals, commonlymercury or cadmium. If you cannot get a guarantee that the coloringis free of heavy metals, it is safer to ask for clear plastic dentures madeof Methyl Methacrylate, or Flexite for partial dentures. Use plastic dentureteeth rather than porcelain teeth, which are based on aluminium oxideand other metals. Change metal bridges and partial dentures to clearplastic. Even gold can be a problem because to make it cheaper,it is commonly blended with 20% of the more harmful palladium.A small amount of gold as for one crown may be acceptable,but as a general rule keep your mouth free of metals, and makesure only metal-free plastics are used as replacement. Try to find aholistic dentist.
Even after removal of bad teeth, health problems can arise or continuefrom root or metal fragments or due to chronic infection and inflammationin the jawbone. An experienced dentist with panoramic X-rays may discoverthis. If you cannot do all of this to sanitize the inside of your mouth,just do the best you can and do not worry. Compensate any shortcomingshere with a better diet and positive thinking.
Packs over the tumor site are helpful with pain relief or to help breakdown a tumour. Packs are especially effective in combination withcleansing periods. Helpful packs are freshly grated or pulped beetroot,crushed wheat grass or other grass, or black or purple grapes,3% hydrogen peroxide, Schweitzer solution, tea tree oil, hot castor oil,garlic, honey, or even urine. Keep the pack on as much as possible,changing it several times during the day. At other times you may keepa fresh outer cabbage leaf over the tumor, cut out the lower part ofthe stem and make the leaf more pliable by rolling it with a bottle.Renew the leaf after several hours.
In addition stimulate the liver with a hot castor oil pack. Liberally applycastor oil to the skin over the upper abdomen, stomach and the rightside of the lower rib cage. Cover with several layers of a woolen clothand then with a hot water bottle. When it becomes too hot, add morelayers of cloth or just newspaper under the hot water bottle. Laterremove these again as the water cools. Keep the pack in place for1-2 hours, the longer the better, even overnight.
With lung cancer use hot onion packs on chest and back, and eatplenty of onions. For the pack squash the onions after heatinguntil soft in an oven.
The honey plaster has an excellent reputation for pain relief anddestroying tumors. The honey must be raw and not heated above45 degrees C (like most honey sold in shops). Smear a thick layerof honey over the tumor area and cover with linen. Continue renewingthe honey for several weeks whenever it has dried. It is even moreeffective if you mix a few drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide with the honey.Gradually increase the number of drops until either the honey becomestoo runny or the skin is irritated. Try to obtain honey that is not runnyand possibly crystallized.
Urea is especially effective for dissolving dead and putrefying flesh,and removing bad odor from weeping or pussy areas. Good for softeninghardened or scarred areas is a urine pack, for detailssee Urine & Urea Therapy.
If the area is open and weeping then discard the pack daily andapply a fresh one. Possibly alternate with cabbage leaf.
Substances that irritate the skin can draw the inflammation arounda tumor to the surface where it can dissipate. The skin becomes red,and often tender or sore to the touch, and may even blister.Blistering is especially effective as it allows toxins to drain out.You may drain the fluid from any blister and cover with freshcabbage leaf or honey until healed. The blister fluid may beused to make a homeopathic remedy.
As blistering agent you may use freshly crushed garlic. Put somecabbage leaf or cloth on top of it, and seal with a plastic sheet tominimize odor. Renew the garlic daily until the skin becomes toosore and irritated, and then just cover with a frequently changedcabbage leaf or honey.
Other skin irritants are a paste of cayenne, mustard, and the whitesap from papaw, fig and petty spurge (Euphorbia peplus). The latteris also called cancer weed or radium weed, and can be used on skincancers and insensitive external tumors. Also the Australian Kangarooapple, Devil's apple or Solanum hermannii (Curaderm) is effective.
A kerosene pack around the neck is suitable for any tumors, lymphgland swellings or infections in that area, or to stimulate thyroid activity,but also good over any internal tumor where the skin is not broken oroversensitive. Moisten a cloth with kerosene and keep over the tumoruntil gradually increasing burning of the skin becomes unbearable.This may happen after about 30 minutes, but can also take hoursif the immune system is slow to react.
The longer you can keep it on the better. The skin will be very red, andpeel a few days later as after a sunburn. Repeat after a few weeks foras long as required. In between use honey packs or cabbage leaf.Skin cancers may also be destroyed by repeatedly applying a drop of 35%hydrogen peroxide, preferably protecting the surrounding skin with abarrier cream.
The acute inflammation initiated by blistering agents has a strongimmune-stimulating effect and kills cancer cells. In contrast, thechronic inflammation surrounding an invasive tumour is largely dueto local overacidity, which activates tissue-destroying cancer enzymes.A dormant or slow-growing tumor is largely painless because it is freeof this pathogenic tumor inflammation. With advanced cancer it is oftendifficult to initiate an inflammatory healing reaction until theimmune system has been sufficiently strengthened.
Another way to remove melanoma and tumors close to the skin,sometimes including breast tumors, is with 'Escharotics'. These arecaustic remedies, commonly with zinc chloride and the herb bloodrootas main ingredients. For more detailed information on Cansema andescharotics in general see the Cansema User's Guide.
To reach a tumour under the skin, such as a breast tumor, it may benecessary to leave the paste in place for two or three days and reapplyfresh paste several times as soon as any developing pus has cleared.Keep covered with a vaseline-coated pad, which may need frequent changing.Commonly there is a strong local inflammation with swelling of the breast,redness and pain for several days. The bigger the breast, and the deeperdown the tumor, the more difficult it is to create a hole deep enough forthe Cansema to reach it, and the more applications are required.
Color Therapy
Blue light has several desirable effects in cancer treatment. It inhibits celldivision and tumor growth, or excessive formation of white blood cells.It also reduces tumor inflammations, relaxes and relieves pain. However,except with a general infection or inflammation all over the body, andpossibly leukemia and widespread lymph cancer, treat only areas ofmalignant activity and other sites of inflammation with blue light, asthis may slow the body metabolism. Also, except for the purpose ofrelaxing and becoming more peaceful or sleepy, do not look for longperiods into blue light, as this may reinforce any depressive tendencies.
You may use a blue light bulb at close range to expose selected skinareas, but expose the eyes to daylight or strong yellow light to stimulatethe metabolism and uplift the spirit.
However, more convenient is to use a 100-watt bulb and place two layersof dark blue cellophane over the tumor site. Over healthy areas you mayplace green or orange cellophane for balance or stimulation. Instead of alight bulb, you may use sunshine as a light source. With lack of energyyou may use yellow or orange light on skin areas where there is nosuspected malignancy or inflammation.
In addition it is helpful to project green-filtered ultraviolet light for shortperiods onto the spine. You may use a green filter or green cellophaneover the back and either UV lamp or sunshine. Cellophane does not blockultraviolet frequencies. Green light, in combination with daylight or a normallight bulb, may be used for extended periods on all parts of the body.
Magnetic Therapies
Flat ceramic magnets and smaller but more powerful neodymium magnetshave a role in cancer treatment. Commonly ferrite blocks of about75 x 50 x 20mm and smaller magnets of about 40 x 25 x 10mm are used.Both have a strength of about 4,000 gauss, but the larger magnets alsohave a larger field and reach much deeper into the body.
In addition small but stronger 9,000 gauss Neodymium (a Rare Earth)magnets may be used. As dot magnets they may be taped to acupuncturepoints on the body or ear, while the larger discs (22 x 10 mm) orblocks (25 x 25.4 x 12.7) may be kept directly over tumors or areas of pain.
In the USA the poles of ‘bio-magnets’ are named opposite to the conventionin science. In science the north-pointing pole of a suspended magnet is calledthe north pole, with bio-magnets it is the south pole. To avoid confusion,I prefer the terms ‘north-pointing’ or ‘south-pointing’,
Magnets are mainly used for pain relief and tumor regression by keepingthe south-pointing pole of a large and strong magnet towards the skinover the painful area. The magnet may be on top of clothes and packs.For regression apply the magnet for an hour several times a day overthe tumor, but for pain relief keep the magnet in place as long as required.Do not use a magnet in bed if it has an innerspring mattress or a steelframe or base. This may cause the iron parts to become magnetizedas north poles, which could stimulate tumor growth.
Generally, the south-pointing pole inhibits infections, inflammations,pain and tumor growth, while the north-pointing pole may stimulatethese activities as part of its general energy-giving and growth-promotingproperties. To support the immune system, a small north-pointing polemay sometimes be placed on the upper end of the breastbone tostimulate the thymus gland.
Drinking water can be improved by keeping it overnight exposed tothe south-pointing pole of a strong magnet. You may also exposecooked or refrigerated food for a few minutes to this pole before eating.To regenerate the body, use the north-pointing pole instead. When notin use, keep magnets away from the body and from sensitive instruments,watches, pacemakers and credit cards. Check the Yellow Pages for suppliersof magnets,
Electronic Zapper and Magnetic Pulser
There are two basic types of electronic zappers commercially available,the Hulda Clark zapper and the Robert Beck zapper, in addition to newerdevelopments. They are supposed to eliminate parasites, bacteria, fungiand viruses, including the cancer microbe. They do this with low-voltagepulsed electric currents. The Clark zapper operates with a 9 V positive offsetcurrent at a high pulse frequency of about 30,000 Hz. The Beck zapper orblood purifier uses 27 to 36 V and a low frequency of about 4 Hz, butexperimental units may have an additional frequency of 100 Hz.It appears that microbes are not outright killed by the mild electriccurrent but rather prevented from multiplying.
With the Clark zapper you hold an electrode in each hand throughwhich a modulated 9 V current flows. To establish a firm contact,rub your palms with salty water and hold the electrodes very firmly.Alternatively, wrap the electrodes in absorbent paper or clothmoistened with salted water. With weak grip strength the bestcontact results by dipping each hand or foot in a bowl of saltedwater, together with a partly immersed electrode, but not if anyelectronics are in the handle. After each treatment rinse your handsor feet under running water to remove any static electricity.
With a local infection or tumor also press the electrodes on both sidesclose to the problem area, or one electrode besides a problem areaand the other in the opposite hand. The negative electrode, commonlyattached to a black wire, tends to sting on sensitive skin.
As with magnets, it can be important in which hand you hold a particularelectrode; otherwise one may feel weaker after zapping. Normally holdthe negative electrode on that side of the body where the tumor, pain,infection or inflammation is located, and the positive electrode with thered wire in the other hand. You may also try muscle testing to find thebest electrode placement: Have someone gently press down your raised,outstretched arm while holding the electrodes one way and then the other.Use the electrodes as for the stronger test.
The normal treatment schedule is seven minutes three times daily. The secondzapping follows 20 - 30 minutes after the first one and the third one aftera similar interval. The first zapping is to kill unshielded parasites and microbes.Dead parasites release further bacteria, which are killed with the secondzapping, and these then release viruses that are eliminated the third time.That is the theory.
Blood tests supposedly show the Beck zapper to be more effective ineliminating microbes from the blood. It appears that with the Clarkzapper the current travels mostly over the skin due to its high frequency,while the Beck zapper is specifically designed to electrify and purify theblood. Perhaps the best type of zapper is a combination of both,with the stronger voltage and low frequency of the Beck zapperbut the positive offset current of the Clark zapper. Furthermore,according to principles of vibrational medicine it is more beneficialto use copper, silver or gold electrodes rather than beam the nickelvibrations from stainless steel into the body.
With the Beck zapper the small electrodes are fastened directly overthe arteries, where you feel a pulse, on one forearm or near the ankleof a foot. The recommendation is to use it for 2 hours daily to eliminateall harmful microbes and parasites in the blood within a month or two, including the AIDS virus. In addition, I also recommend using the electrodeson both sides of a tumor, or an area of infection or inflammation.
In addition, Dr Beck designed a magnetic pulser to treat infected lymph glandsand other parts of the body with poor blood supply. With cancer also pulseyour tonsils, teeth or jawbone where there may be a problem. Also use thepulser on any area with a suspected inflammation or infection.You may suspect an inflammation in an area when it is red,hot or painful or even when it is rather tender when pressinginto the area. Use a strong pulser with a rating of about 30 KGauss or more when pulsing directly on a tumor, as weak pulsesmay be stimulating. As for magnets, find the correct pole and generallyuse only the south-pointing pole for treatment.
To find out which side of the pulser paddle to use, place a small flatmagnet with known polarity on top of one side and watch what happenswith the next pulse. Like poles repulse each other. Therefore,if the magnet jumps off, that side of the paddle has the samepolarity as the magnet placed on it with the face down.If you then turn the small magnet around, it should not jump off.Then repeat the test with the other side of the paddle.Finally mark the polarities on the paddle.
There are other types of more expensive magnetic pulsers availablethat may be helpful in stimulating cellular rejuvenation. However,because of their lower magnetic pulse intensity, they do not appearto inhibit microbes or parasites, and may instead stimulate their growth.
However, there is now also a magnetic pulser available with up to 10 ormore pulses per second (see Resources in Australia). It creates a pulsingmagnetic field rather than just single short pulses. I found it effective fortreating pain and inflammation, as well as restoring weak organs and tissues.It appears to work by restoring the electric membrane potential of cells to ahealthy level. This is presently my favorite.
For sources to buy a zapper and pulser see ads in alternative journals, suchas Nexus. Commonly, the Beck zapper is bifunctional and may also be usedas a colloidal silver maker. In addition, there are various types ofRife instruments available to destroy the cancer microbe with selectedfrequencies. Their success depends very much on finding the correctfrequency, and I cannot comment on their effectiveness.
Meridian and Pressure Therapy
Pressure therapy may be used as acupressure, pressing specificacupuncture points, as in reflexology by pressing sensitive spotsunder the feet, as pressure directly into tense muscles or as shiatsu,which is similar to acupressure.
The easiest method is reflexology. Have someone press the soles ofyour feet or press them yourself, as against the corner of a piece offurniture or against a rock or onto a golf ball or a broom handle,wherever you find a tender area, also at the sides and top of the feet.
Press each tender spot for as long as possible either daily or severaltimes a week. Select appropriate points from the reflexology chart inthe article on Reflexology. Press especially the liver, kidneys, intestines,thyroid and the tumor area, in addition to other tender spots.
Check also the back, and especially around the neck and shoulders for tensemuscles. Press straight into tense muscles with the thumb or a knuckle, oreven the elbow so that it is somewhat sore but easily bearable. After thepain subsides, press somewhat harder, or start circling under pressure.This will improve the general blood, lymph and energy circulation throughthe body, ease pain and support cleansing. Afterwards finish with somegentle massaging or stroking.
Massage in the area of the tumor(s) can help ease pain and improve lymphcirculation. Do not disturb the tumor itself, but rather try to soften any tensemuscles in the area, and gently push the lymph fluid towards the collarbone.This is especially important if any lymph glands have been removed in that area.If lymph glands have been removed in the groin or armpit, then raise the armor leg while press-massaging it from the foot or hand towards the collarbone.Furthermore, problems in internal organs and the breast often cause chronicmuscle spasms in related parts of the back with much pain and discomfort.Find and ease these spasms or tense muscles with pressing or kneading,and also press the related foot reflexes. In addition, give a gentle andrelaxing body massage.
If you can get an acupuncture map you may also press points relatedto the tumor area, and to the organs indicated before, or you may treatthese with an electro-acupuncture or laser instrument. Ear acupunctureis quite easy and effective. Also have a look at meridian therapy.Here you trace along the course of an acupuncture meridian with one ormore fingers or with a magnet. For details see Meridian Therapy.
Energy Therapy
Wilhelm Reich wrote in his book 'The Cancer Biopathy' that he coulddestroy malignant tumors by charging the red blood cells with bio-energy(orgone energy). He could actually see under the dark-field microscope at2000-to 4000-x magnification how the blue energy charge of the red bloodcells killed the cancer cells. While this also eliminated the anemia and cachexia(wasting) of his 'terminal' patients, and greatly increased their survival time,it did not automatically lead to a cure. As he did not use any cleansing measures,he found that most patients or animals still died from congestion of the organsof elimination. Interestingly, he also observed that sometimes tumors becameenlarged due to their interior being filled with blood.
Wilhelm Reich used his invention, the orgone accumulator to charge his patients and experimental animals with bio-energy. There are various possibilities of charging the body. A relatively easy and effective way toachieve this at home is by frequently drinking the fresh juice of young grasses. For further information on energy therapy see Bio-Energies.
The main aims of exercise in cancer therapy are the increase of bloodand lymph circulation, and the improvement in oxygen supply and uptake.Most suited for this are slow jogging and light rebounding. It is essentialto breathe as deep and fast as possible without getting out of breath,which would cause oxygen deficiency and aid the cancer.
If you have enough energy to jog, and can do so in a relatively unpollutedarea, then start with just a few minutes, and gradually over the weeks,work up to 30 minutes a day. Jog as slowly as possible but breathe ashard as you can. Pay attention to your lower rib cage and abdomenexpanding during inhalation. You may, of course, just jog on the spotat your veranda or even inside at an open window.
Even better, especially for those low in energy, is a rebounder. Someexpensive models, called lymphasizers, are more effective, but evencheap rebounders are good to use, you may even bounce on top ofone or two innerspring mattresses.
While it is all right to bounce higher for a while, during the basic exerciseyou remain with both feet firmly on the mat. Bounce only very gently upand down, start with just a few minutes, gradually increase up to 10 or15 minutes 3 or 4 times daily, best before meals and bedtime, the morethe better.
Keep your hands touching body areas in need of healing, such as the tumorarea and the liver, or wherever you feel discomfort. With each upward bouncetake a sniff until your lungs are filled after 10-20 sniffs, and then exhale againin sniffs. Always try to fill and empty your lungs as completely as possible.If you do it right, you should feel energized after the exercise.
Lymphazising is especially important with cancers of the lymph system,after removal of any lymph glands, and also with any kind of fluid accumulation.If the patient is too weak to stand, he or she may sit on the mat and a helpermay do the bouncing. In addition, activate the lymph drainage by circling withlight thumb pressure just below the clavicles and press on top of the feet atthe bottom of the toes.
Breathing exercises can be used to influence our acid-alkaline balance. If webreathe deeper and faster than normally, then more carbon dioxide is expelled,and the body becomes more alkaline, while with shallower and slower breathingit becomes more acid.
If you are bedridden, frequently inhale fully while tensing all muscles, hold for afew seconds, then exhale slowly and relax at the same time. Do this as oftenas possible. Balance your energies with alternating breathing: inhale throughthe right nostril, exhale through the left, inhale through the left, exhale throughthe right nostril, and so forth for a minute or two.
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