Monday, July 23, 2007

New Zealand Couple Heals Child's Cancer With Alternative Techniques

New Zealand Couple Heals Child's Cancer With Alternative Techniques

All court order demanding that the parents of cancer patient
Liam Williams-Holloway be turned over to the hospital for
chemotherapy were cancelled on May 6, 1999 in Family
Court in Dunedin, New Zealand. The parents had believed
that chemotherapy for their child was too risky and were
forced to elude a massive manhunt to pursue alternative treatment.

The case, which captivated New Zealand, led to the temporary ban
on articles about Liam Williams-Holloway and involved many court hearings.
The ruling in Family Court allowed Liam's parents to come out of hiding.
In addition, it appears that Liam's treatment by "Quantum Vibrational Therapists"
(using multiple techniques and lifestyle changes) was successful and
Liam no longer has any cancer.

Please read the complete article on the Natural Health Village web page at:

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