Your body needs a superior nutrition in order to cope with the demands of modern day industrial living based on a food program that is over processed and laced with additives colors and preservatives. Nutrition and sustainable living is one of the most hotly discussed topics today as modern society becomes over weight and tired from over consumption and over stimulation.
At the forefront of fighting modern day diseases of cancer, diabetes, and obesity vitamins and supplements are at the fore front of the front in not only preventing disease but also being a major part of the cure.
Glyconutrients work naturally to help support many necessary functions in the body especially to enhance that of the immune system. There is also evidence to support that glyconutrients may enhance and condition cellular communication at a deep physiological level to help keep the defense mechanisms efficient and strong. Vemma Juice has an integrity of a natural process of the gathering of vitamins in the queen of fruits and has been used for thousands of years by
auryvedic doctors who used the rind to help issues related to digestive health, immune support as well as to enhance overall health.
Further benefits of Vemma juice include:
Support a Healthy Heart
Supports cardiovascular health, cholesterol levels and protects
and protects cellular function.
Provide Healthy Eyes, Skin and Hair
Helps create and maintain healthy skin, eyes, teeth, gums and hair.
Create Abundant Energy
Assists in energy conversion from glucose.
Scavenge Free Radicals
Contains a superior antioxidant with one of the highest ORAC values available preventing and helping cure cancer.
Thus Vemma Juice is a formula that provides 12 full spectrum vitamins in a powerful antioxidant base of wild crafted whole fruit Mangosteen including pericarp along with organic glyconutrient rich aloe-vera.
The mangosteen fruit and decaffeinated organic green tea, supplies some of the highest quantities of xanthones found in nature as well the powerful phytonutrients proanthocyanidin.
Also to make vemma juice a complete drink for everyday it also includes over 65 major trace and ultra-trace ionic life giving plant sourced minerals necessary for optimal health and wellness.
Yibing Wang M.D.PhD the Vemma juice developer declared “My task was to specificaly develop an ultra premium nutrition program that is the most powerful liquid antioxidant available to ensure the highest quality.”
I love to drink vemma juice everyday and you’ll quickly realize how tasty and healthy Vemma juice is and is the real deal nutritionally speaking and is easy to use and only needed once a day, chilled for pure nutritional enjoyment.
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